
  • International Journal for Humanities & Social Sciences (IJHS)

    International Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHS) is a scientific journal issued by scholar worldwide. the  It is a  double-blind refereed periodically issued journal, It has a specialized and academic editorial board and an comptent international advisory board that oversees the publication, based on a moral charter of publishing rules and the relationship between them and Researchers. It is also based on an internal regulation governing the work of arbitration, and on an approved list of reviewers in all disciplines as it relies in its publications professional and double-blind review system. All papers  are published as  open-access on the Journal's website. All papers can be accessed directly via the search link.

    Journal Name: International Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences
    Abbr Title: Int J Hum so sci

    ISSN : 2945-4271
    Frequency: Bi-Annual
    Language: English
    Chief Editor: Murad Hameed Al-Abdullah (Ph.D)
    Publisher: Scholar Worldwide (Schwlar)
    Country of Origin: Philippines

  • International Journal of Translation, Languages and Discourse Studies (TLDS)

    The International Journal of Translation, Languages, and Discourse Studies (TLDS) is a peer-reviewed international scientific journal that publishes articles in the field of translation from all languages, in addition to translation studies, interpretation, machinery translation, and translation of artificial intelligence, as well as linguistic and literary studies of human languages, discourse studies, and intercultural communication studies.

    Aim & Scope

    The journal aims to enhance communication among human languages ​​from a communicative perspective across human cultures and all what relates to linguistic communication. Moreover, the journal shares a considerable interest in comparative studies between all languages ​​and promoting the values ​​of integrative communication to reach common factors among written human languages, and enhance mutual respect among living and non-living languages, the main languages ​​and their local linguistic trends, thus, starting from the principle of respecting and understanding both local languages ​​and dialects as well as international ones in terms of coexistence.

    In other words, TLDS will serve as a platform for exchanging and generating ideas for all linguistic and communicative aspects that deserve global attention and from multiple perspectives, based on linguistic theories and recent global trends that have a local impact.

    The journal is also interested in the latest research which focuses on teaching and learning languages ​​as a first, second, or foreign languages, as well as teaching languages ​​to non-native speakers. On the other hand, it is interested in studies related to designing and developing curricula and methods of teaching languages, as well as the most important studies that focus on developing aptitude testing (TOFEL-TESOL-ILETS...). TLDS is also interested in publishing scientific articles and book reviews, carried out in the field of human languages, translation studies, linguistics, teaching foreign languages, applied linguistics, semiotics, stylistics and discourse analysis.

    Publishing Procedures:

    Manuscripts submitted to (TLDS) are subject to thorough review by professors specialized in the field of languages, translation, and discourse analysis. Research submitted to the journal must meet the basic requirements in accordance with international academic scientific terms and conditions. Then, research and studies are sent for review, reading, and arbitration by experts in such fields, either from the editorial board, reviewers, or proofreaders, then the external reviewers feedback and recommendations will be sent to notify the authors of the journal’s decision (acceptance, acceptance with revisions, rejection), not to forget that the identity of the reviewers and proofreaders will remain strictly confidential.

    The entire review process requires 2 to 4 weeks after submitting the manuscript. Reviewers and experts can also submit their recommendations to the author(s) for any relevant work that has not been cited. TLDS also uses the Free Open Access Publishing System. Submitted articles must be compatible with the objectives of the journal and the scope of its specialization. Only original unpublished articles and research- which is not under review in another journal or whose content has been approved and submitted by the author to another journal -will be accepted. The journal will be issued periodically, quarterly, with four issues per year: (February - June - September - December)

    Journal Name: The International Journal of Translation, Languages, and Discourse Studies (TLDS)

    Abbr Title: Int J Tr, Lang, Disc. st.

    ISSN : 
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Language: English & Arabic
    Chief Editor: 
    Publisher: Scholar Worldwide (Schwlar)
    Country of Origin: