International Journal for Humanities & Social Sciences (IJHS) <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>International Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHS)</strong> is a scientific journal issued by <a href=""><strong>scholar worldwide</strong></a>. the It is a double-blind refereed periodically issued journal, It has a specialized and academic editorial board and an comptent international advisory board that oversees the publication, based on a moral charter of publishing rules and the relationship between them and Researchers. It is also based on an internal regulation governing the work of arbitration, and on an approved list of reviewers in all disciplines as it relies in its publications professional and double-blind review system. All papers are published as open-access on the Journal's website. All papers can be accessed directly via the search link.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Journal Name: <strong>International Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences</strong> <br />Abbr Title: Int J Hum so sci</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>ISSN : 2945-4271</strong><br />Frequency: Bi-Annual <br />Language: English<br />Chief Editor: Murad Hameed Al-Abdullah (Ph.D) <br />Publisher: Scholar Worldwide (Schwlar)<br />Country of Origin: Philippines</p> en-US <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>International Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHS)</strong> is licensed under the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>, which allows users to copy, create extracts, abstracts, and new works from the article, alter and revise the article, and make commercial use of the article (including reuse and/or resale of the article by commercial entities), provided the user gives appropriate credit (with a link to the formal publication through the relevant DOI), provides a link to the license, indicates if changes were made, and the licensor is not represented as endorsing the use made of the work. The authors hold the copyright for their published work on the <strong>IJHS </strong>website, while <strong>IJHS </strong>is responsible for appreciate citation of their work, which is released under CC-BY-4.0, enabling the unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction of an article in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.</p> (Mِurad Al Abdullah (Ph.D)) (Assist. Prof. Intissar Abo Najm) Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Study of political developments in democratic, communist and dictatorial systems and their impact on power, governance and human rights <p style="text-align: justify;">In the current era, the world is experiencing profound political and economic shifts, marking a departure from the norms that dominated the pre-industrial period. Notably, the dissolution of feudal and communal systems, which were emblematic of an economy rooted in pastoral ideologies, has been underway since the French Revolution. This transformative period has not only reshaped global dynamics but also led to the reconstitution of modern state structures within the context of institutional states. This research delves into the evolving patterns of political changes and their economic repercussions in the contemporary global landscape. Our study aims to decipher the dynamics of international transformations within the global political arena and explore their interconnections with the emerging world order. Furthermore, we have endeavored to trace the philosophical political roots that underpinned these economic systems, examining their genesis and subsequent influence on political developments across various regimes, with a particular focus on implications for human rights. An analytical methodology underpins our examination of these political transformations. Central to our inquiry is the following pivotal question: <strong style="font-size: 0.875rem;">What is the impact of developments in political and economic systems in the contemporary world on authority, governance, and human rights? </strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">To address this question, we deemed it necessary to discuss three topics related to political transformation, presenting an analysis for each of the following axes: </span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">1-Circumstances and history of modern political transformations. 2-</span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Modern political demands, compared to advanced political aspirations. 3-</span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Human rights, between liberal propaganda and democracy.</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Our findings reveal that political variables have undergone substantial changes that significantly influence political ideologies, the conceptualization of authority, and human rights considerations. Among these influential factors are: <strong style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Globalization and Technology:</strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> Technological advancements and the expansion of global communications via the Internet have opened new avenues for political discourse and interaction. This development transcends local boundaries, positioning politics as a globally interconnected phenomenon. </span><strong style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Social and Cultural Transformations:</strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> There has been a significant shift in social and cultural paradigms, particularly in the heightened awareness of human rights. This shift has broadened the scope of political thought and necessitated the integration of these issues into both national and international political dialogues. </span><strong>Economic Transformations:</strong> The evolution of economic structures, spurred by technological progress and globalization, has profound implications for political theories concerning the equitable distribution of wealth, economic opportunities, poverty alleviation, and addressing economic disparities.</p> Assia Hamdi Copyright (c) 2024 THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The effect of Disney's creative strategy on the achievement of fourth-grader students in literature and texts <p style="text-align: justify;">The current research aims to identify the impact of the Disney Creative Strategy on the achievement of fourth-grade literary students in the subject of literature and texts by testing the following null hypothesis: There is no statistically significant difference at the level of (0.05) between the mean scores of students in the experimental group who study literature and texts according to the Disney Creative Strategy and those in the control group who study using the traditional method. The researchers followed the procedures of the quasi-experimental method consisting of an experimental group and a control group. After completing the experiment and using the following statistical tools (t-test, Chi-square, difficulty coefficient, discrimination coefficient, effectiveness of incorrect alternatives, retest method, and effect size), it was found that the students in the experimental group who studied according to the Disney Creative Strategy outperformed those in the control group who studied using the traditional method in their achievement. The researchers suggested several procedures, including conducting a similar study to the current one, focusing on other variables such as gender and grade level, and concept acquisition.</p> Osama Shawqi Khudair, Muayaed Saeed Khalaf Copyright (c) 2024 THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Diversity of style in the works of the artist (Naziha Selim) <p style="text-align: justify;">Iraqi art underwent a significant transformation in the second half of the 20th century, seeking to remove established norms, which led to ground-breaking outputs from artists like Naziha Salim. Her work represents a pivotal shift, rooted in two main aspects: the inspiration from cultural heritage and its contemporary application. Salim's art exemplifies beauty through the use of modern techniques, diverse materials, varying styles, and the interplay of lines and space, alongside the strategic use of color masses. This diversity is the cornerstone of this study. The research is structured into four chapters. The first chapter addresses the research problem, stemming from the question: To what extent does the diversity of style manifest in Naziha Salim's works? The aim is to explore this diversity, alongside highlighting the research's significance and scope. The second chapter comprises two sections: the first reviews the multiplicity of styles in modern European art schools, while the second delves into the diversity of styles in contemporary Iraqi painting, particularly focusing on the experiences of various artists, with a special emphasis on Naziha Salim's work. The third chapter outlines the research methodology, detailing the study population, which includes 15 of Salim's artworks. The sample consists of three works, selected and analyzed based on expert recommendations, employing a descriptive analytical approach to meet the study's objectives and derive conclusions. The fourth chapter presents the research findings, such as Salim's reflection of the social environment and the juxtaposition of reality's tragedies, forming a stylistic, intellectual, and nationalistic vision. The conclusions suggest that the artistic scene revolves around the genuine impetus behind creating art and its relationship with environment, history, and the artist’s introspection. Additionally, the chapter includes recommendations and proposals, concluding with images of the analyzed artworks.&nbsp;</p> MIGUEL MOLINA ALARCÓN, Sarmad Mohammad Najem , Taif Mohammad Najem Copyright (c) 2024 THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The effect of rational therapy on modifying irrational thoughts among university students <p style="text-align: justify;">The current research aims to identify the effect of the thinking distraction method in reducing existential frustration among university students at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences/Al-Qasim Green University. The researcher has dealt with a theoretical framework that includes all the variables of the research, and to achieve the goal of the research, an existential frustration scale was built, using a statistical analysis sample. The number of items in this scale was (200) and after verifying its validity and reliability, the number of items in this scale reached (30) distributed across the scale’s areas. To test the research hypotheses, the researcher chose a sample of (14) male students only, who were intentionally selected from those who obtained the highest scores on the scale. Existential frustration scale: They were divided into two groups (experimental and control) with (7) students in each group. After parity was achieved for the two groups. As well as building the therapeutic program according to the problems posed in the scale according to the method (the thinking-distraction method), one session of the therapeutic program was taken, and after completing the application of the therapeutic program using the group therapy method on the research sample, the results showed that the program was effective in reducing existential frustration among university students.</p> Wafaa Shaker Abdel Karim Copyright (c) 2024 THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE Sat, 31 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Monitoring the change in annual drought conditions in Iraq for the period (1981-2022), using statistical methods and modern technologies <p style="text-align: justify;">Climate change is a natural phenomenon that occurs every several thousand years, but with the increase in human activities, climate change has accelerated. Since climate is the average of successive weather conditions in a place over a long period, it may be a month, a season, a year, or several years. Therefore, we find that climatology is concerned with showing the average or median weather conditions prevailing in a region rather than showing daily changes in weather conditions in the region. Therefore, climate change had a significant impact on drought conditions in the location of the study area during the period (1081-2022). The reason for this is that Iraq is characterized by its equatoriality and flat surface in the central and southern regions, which makes it enjoy fast wind movement that raises dust storms that reduce the level of humidity. Stations in southern and central Iraq recorded the highest frequency, represented by the dominance of (south-easterly) winds in the summer season, while stations in the northern region recorded the lowest frequency of this type of wind in the (winter) season. The reason is due to the high temperatures, the variation in humidity, and the frequency of winds in the summer and spring seasons, where air highs prevail and the frequency of air lows decreases, and since climate change causes the retention of rain in the winter with the phenomenon of global warming or the intensity of rain in the spring, summer and fall seasons due to... The phenomenon of convection, which becomes more active due to the heating of the Earth, as well as an increase in the pressure gradient as a result of the deepening of the depression. Seasonal thermal, while the reason for the decrease in wind speed in the fall and winter is due to the lack of thermal activity, the decline of the seasonal low, and the increase in the influence of the Siberian High. Since the drought trend and rising global temperatures have negatively affected drought conditions in Iraq, causing scarcity of rainfall throughout Iraq. Due to the decrease in the frequency of air depressions in the winter, as well as the dominance of air highs, which causes a decline in rain and a lack of humidity or its variation from one region to another, and using statistical methods and the SPSS program, it became clear that Iraq is going through varying periods of drought, which affected the climate conditions over a period of 41 years and during three cycles. Micro-climate cycle and macro-climate cycle.</p> Feraqid Ubid Kazim Al-Masoudi Copyright (c) 2024 THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Impact of Incorporating Texts from Nahj al-Balagha of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him) on the Academic Achievement of Fifth-Year Literary Students in the Subject of Arabic Rhetoric <p style="text-align: justify;">No researcher or observer of the current state of Arabic language instruction in our schools can overlook the weakness of our students in this subject. Our students struggle with reading correctly, writing accurately without errors, and expressing themselves with precise and eloquent language. Additionally, they have difficulty understanding the meanings of literary texts and uncovering the imagery within them. This observation is supported by numerous scientific studies that have pointed to the weakness of students in the Arabic language, compounded by the continued use of traditional teaching methods, which have led to a lack of interest in learning the subject (Al-Rubaie, 1989). The study by (Al-Ubaidi) further confirmed a clear weakness among high school female students, especially in Arabic rhetoric. The issue of weak Arabic language skills is not confined to high school students; it extends to students in education colleges as well. Al-Jubouri's study revealed that the overall state of the Arabic language, particularly grammar, is distressing, reflecting the inability of Arabic language department students to master linguistic skills, especially syntax. Given all this, it has become natural for the Arabic language to drift away from everyday speech, and its rhetorical applications have become difficult for learners to comprehend, making it challenging for students to grasp its beauty and eloquence. Moreover, other reasons prompted the researchers to conduct this current study, including feedback from those who found the idea intriguing and believed it could motivate female students towards their lessons. Furthermore, there is a scarcity of studies that have explored teaching rhetoric by employing texts from Nahj al-Balagha by Imam Ali (peace be upon him). The researchers agree with opinions that attribute the majority of the problem to the aforementioned reasons. Therefore, the researchers have employed texts from Nahj al-Balagha in teaching Arabic rhetoric, hoping that this will be a small contribution to the larger goal of making this subject easier to teach</p> Osama Shawqi Khudair, Muayaed Saeed Khalaf Copyright (c) 2024 THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000