The effect of Disney's creative strategy on the achievement of fourth-grader students in literature and texts

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Osama Shawqi Khudair
Muayaed Saeed Khalaf


The current research aims to identify the impact of the Disney Creative Strategy on the achievement of fourth-grade literary students in the subject of literature and texts by testing the following null hypothesis: There is no statistically significant difference at the level of (0.05) between the mean scores of students in the experimental group who study literature and texts according to the Disney Creative Strategy and those in the control group who study using the traditional method. The researchers followed the procedures of the quasi-experimental method consisting of an experimental group and a control group. After completing the experiment and using the following statistical tools (t-test, Chi-square, difficulty coefficient, discrimination coefficient, effectiveness of incorrect alternatives, retest method, and effect size), it was found that the students in the experimental group who studied according to the Disney Creative Strategy outperformed those in the control group who studied using the traditional method in their achievement. The researchers suggested several procedures, including conducting a similar study to the current one, focusing on other variables such as gender and grade level, and concept acquisition.

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How to Cite
Khudair, O. S. ., & Khalaf, M. S. . (2024). The effect of Disney’s creative strategy on the achievement of fourth-grader students in literature and texts. International Journal for Humanities & Social Sciences (IJHS), 1(2), 11–23.