International Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHS) is a scientific journal issued by scholar worldwide. the It is a double-blind refereed periodically issued journal, It has a specialized and academic editorial board and an comptent international advisory board that oversees the publication, based on a moral charter of publishing rules and the relationship between them and Researchers. It is also based on an internal regulation governing the work of arbitration, and on an approved list of reviewers in all disciplines as it relies in its publications professional and double-blind review system. All papers are published as open-access on the Journal's website. All papers can be accessed directly via the search link.
Journal Name: International Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences
Abbr Title: Int J Hum so sci
ISSN : 2945-4271
Frequency: Bi-Annual
Language: English
Chief Editor: Murad Hameed Al-Abdullah (Ph.D)
Publisher: Scholar Worldwide (Schwlar)
Country of Origin: Philippines
Current Issue
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Vol.1. No.1, Issue 2, 2024