The events prior to the march of Imam Al-Hussein, peace be upon him towards Karbala.

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Ali Obayes Hussein


The revolution of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) is one of the unique revolutions in Islamic history, which occupied the thought of humanity and offerings from the family of the Messenger (peace be upon him), which restored to him his broken prestige and lost dignity, and she became a crown and a principle And a slogan for the revolutions of the oppressed in the world throughout the ages, and the emergence of Imam Al-Hussein ( in his revolution against Yazid bin Muawiyah is not for anyone but Yazid and removed him from the government, but rather to change the Umayyad rule and establish the Islamic And applying instead of the evils spread by Banu Muawiyah.

Imam al-Husayn’s reasoning was his revolt against Yazid and the Umayyad rule, because he was an unjust sultan who ruled with injustice and aggression.

And an immoral man who drinks alcohol increases corruption, declaring corruption and violating the Book of God and the Sunnah of His Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him Imam, peace be upon him, is not an emotional, personal or clan revolution, as some historians portray it as enmity Between the Hashemite and the Umayyad is derived from before Islam.

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How to Cite
Obayes Hussein, A. . (2022). The events prior to the march of Imam Al-Hussein, peace be upon him towards Karbala. International Journal for Humanities & Social Sciences (IJHS), 2(2), 61–70.